Hello Friend, what do you have blogsite or website? What the reason do you blogging? Everybody have reason for blogging. Any body tell that they are blogging to get money, some body tell that they are blogging to give information for user. And what the best reason for blogging?
My definition, blogging is a activity to writing and telling about something in the world in the internet for give education and information for user. Therefor user experience must take precedence. We are blogging to find information and understand it and gave it to the user.
Now, blogging to user olny can't gave much user to visit blog, so we know the term SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Some people tell that blogging without SEO can't give much visitor visit blog, so SEO is necessary.
The problem is, should come first? SEO for blogging or User Experience for blogging? The fact google was tell in they blog that SEO without user experience is futile. So, we should be more put user experiend than SEO. Because SEO will follow user experience behind.
Best tips, we don't have to rush get much visitor, give user experience then seo will follow.
Best Tips SEO Blogging is User Experience
Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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