Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Italian Government Slaps Apple with $1.2 Million Fine

AppleCareApple has been hit with quite a hefty fine from a somewhat surprising place today, Italy. That's right, on December 27, 2011 the country of Italy fined the tech giant 900,000 euros, or roughly $1.2 million, for allegedly encouraging its customers to sign up for AppleCare, the official tech support of the company, without informing them that they would receive two years of free support after purchasing the service.

Reuters reported that Italy requires every company that does business in the country to offer two full years of absolutely free technical support to any and all Italian customers. AppleCare is an important after-purchase revenue generator for the company. Apple offers this protection service on every single one of its products, from iPads and iPhones to MacBooks and Apple All-in-Ones, though prices vary depending on which device you get the service for. Naturally getting tech support on your iPhone should cost a little less than getting it on your MacBook Air.

Towards the beginning of this year, Apple updated its iPhone plan. The all new AppleCare+ gives customers extended warranties and technical support for as long as two years. In addition to this, the new AppleCare+ also includes repairs on two incidents of accidental damage as opposed to the previous single repair offered. The service itself will cost iPhone users $99.

In addition to AppleCare+ for the iPhone, another AppleCare package for the iMac will run customers $169 with the MacBook Pro option costing $349. The cheapest service is for the iPod Touch, costing only $59.

Apple has yet to release any official statement on the fine by the Italian Government and there is no way of knowing if it will ask employees in Italian Apple stores to make it clear to customers that their products are covered for two years. However, this fine will barely scrape the top of Apple's revenue pile as the company has tens of billions of dollars just lining the walls of their headquarter's bathrooms for decoration.

Source: CNET - Italy fines Apple $1.2 million over AppleCare practices
READ MORE - Italian Government Slaps Apple with $1.2 Million Fine

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

New Features for Google Chrome v16

Google Chrome v16Google Chrome was just updated and the newest version brings an option to print any webpage using Cloud Print and multiple profile support for users who are on one computer to maintain separate settings. These new additions will become available with version 16 for Windows, Mac and Linux users when it is released.

Launching back in January, Google Cloud Print allows you to print to your home or office printer from almost any web-enabled device, though it was restricted to webpages with special Cloud Print buttons and specific Google apps like Docs or desktop apps like Cloud Print for Mac. With the new update any user can use Google Chrome to print to a Cloud Print-ready printer or computer acting as a Cloud Storage Print server.

Using Cloud Print is also very easy. All you have to do is select Print from Chrome's menu options under the wrench icon. This will take you to a print preview page where you can select "Print with Google Cloud Print" from the "Destination" dropdown menu on the left. Then select "Print" at the top of the print dialogue when you're good to go.

Another addition to the update is multiple profiles. Multiple profiles started appearing in Chrome's beta channel back in November as a way for multiple users to keep their bookmarks, Web apps and other settings separate. This can be particularly useful if you have more than one user trying to use the household computer but you can't be bothered to switch user profiles using the operating system of your computer.

In order to get started with Chrome's multiple profiles, click on Chrome's wrench icon and select "Preferences" to open the browser's settings page in a new tab. After that, click "Personal Stuff" on the left side of the screen. If that is too much work, you can always just type in "chrome://settings/personal" in an empty browser tab.

Once you do this, select "Users" and then "Add New User." A new browser tab will appear with a blank profile on it that has some generic name and one of Chrome's avatars. The active user's avatar will appear in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser for Mac users and the upper left corner for Windows users. In addition to that, you can edit each profile's username and avatar at "chrome://settings/personal".

Each user also has the ability to sign in separately to their Google account to sync Chrome settings stored online. This is useful if you want access to your Chrome settings on a PC that isn't yours. Just make sure you erase your profile on any computer that isn't yours because Chrome profiles are not secure and they don't have any password protection options so anyone using the same PC as you will have access to your browser settings.

Source: PC World - Google Chrome Adds Cloud Print Option, Multiple Profile Support
READ MORE - New Features for Google Chrome v16

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Nokia Terbaru Lumia 800 dan 710 Awal 2012

Menghadapi tahun baru maka setiap produsen segera memikirkan hal terbarunya yang akan diberikan untuk konsumennya, dan hal ini telah dipikirkan oleh pemilik mrek nokia yang akan segera meluncurkan nokia terbaru dengan nama Lumia 800 dan 710 pada awal 2012 nanti.

Istimewanya, handphone jenis ini hanya akan diproduksi dengan batas tertentu, entah berapa jumlah produksinya namun yang pasti handphone ini terbatas.

nokia lumia 800 dan 710

Bekerja sama dengan microsoft, handphone ini memasukan operasi sistem windows, windows phone tepatnya.

Sayangnya nokia terbaru ini baru akan disediakan di Brasil, Kolombia, Chili dan Meksiko. Lalu kapan di Indonesia? Di Indonesia ada Handphone TV.
READ MORE - Nokia Terbaru Lumia 800 dan 710 Awal 2012

Boost Mobile Luncurkan 'Re-Boost' Aplikasi Facebook

Boost Mobile baru-baru ini berhasil meluncurkan satu aplikasi terbarunya dengan perantara Facebook yang dinamakan Re-Boost.

Mengapa aplikasi facebook ini diluncurkan? Satu hal yang mendorong terpikirnya metode ini adalah karena pengguna dari Boost Mobile sendiri yang semakin berkurang berhubung dengan semakin maraknya orang lebih memilih jejaring sosial. Sehingga aplikasi yang satu ini diabaikan. Dengan bantuan dari hal ini maka anda dapat mendapatkan pundi-pundi uang tanpa mengabaikan status pertemanan, anda dapat mencari uang hanya dengan mengajak orang untuk mengikuti jejak anda dengan aplikasi Re-Boost.

Boost Mobile

Aplikasi yang diluncurkan oleh operator seluler AS yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk menambahkan dana langsung ke rekening nirkabel mereka melalui Facebook

Hal ini disampaikan oleh Kepala Kinerja Pelayanan Pelanggan dan Pengalaman Pembelian Non-Kontrak antara Penyedia Wireless oleh JD Power dan Associates1, memberikan pelanggan sebuah hadiah liburan awal tahun ini, kemampuan untuk menambahkan uang ke rekening mereka Boost Mobile menggunakan App Re-Boost secara langsung melalui halaman Facebook mereka.

Peluncuran hari ini, "Boost Mobile Re-Boost Aplikasi" akan memungkinkan pelanggan Facebook untuk:
  • Menambahkan uang ke rekening Boost Mobile mereka melalui Facebook.
  • Permintaan hadiah Re-Boost dengan mengirim email disesuaikan dengan seorang teman, yang meminta seorang teman pribadi untuk bantuan.
  • Mengirim hadiah Re-Boost ke pelanggan Handphone sesama Facebook, karena lebih baik memberi dari pada menerima.
  • Review 10 transaksi terakhir (Facebook Re-Meningkatkan permintaan dan hadiah).
Para Boost Mobile Re-Boost Aplikasi Facebook dapat didownload ke account pelanggan Facebook dengan memasukkan "Boost" di bar pencarian dan memilih "Re-Boost" aplikasi dari hasil pencarian.
READ MORE - Boost Mobile Luncurkan 'Re-Boost' Aplikasi Facebook

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Updated

Microsoft Exchange server 2010Microsoft has just updated its Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and posted a service pack with a plethora of new features and bug fixes according to a statement released by the company on Monday. The new features to Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 2 were designed based on feedback from customers, Microsoft said, and they reflect the expanding use of enterprise email, scheduling and associated functions across a wide range of devices and deployment scenarios.

One of the new features, known as Outlook Web Application (OWA) Mini, offers the user the ability to browse mailboxes and global address lists from low bandwidth and low resolution devices. This type of mini-internet browser can, in addition, be used as an alternative to synchronizing all Exchange data with the actual phone or mobile device, which can sometimes be prohibitive.

Another new feature allows administrators to segment enterprise global address lists (GAL) into smaller segments. By doing this, it allows administrators to create virtual groups. Previous versions of Microsoft Exchange also had this ability but this is the first time Exchange 2010 offers it in a way that doesn't require manual intervention from administrators.

In addition to these new features, the update includes the Hybrid Configuration Wizard designed for organizations wishing to deploy some mail accounts on Microsoft Office 365 and keep others on their internal systems. The wizard simplifies the process of archiving data and sharing things like calendar entries and secure mail across both the hosted and internal mail accounts.

The update also permits cross-site silent redirection for OWA, which could provide the basis for single sign-on across the entire enterprise platform. With a feature like this, an Outlook Web Application client request could be automatically transferred from one Active Directory implementation to another. In addition to that, the service pack includes multiple bug fixes and collects other features introduced in Service Pack 1 which was released back in August 2010.

Source: Server Computer World - Microsoft updates Exchange 2010
READ MORE - Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Updated

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Computer History Museum Opens New Online Exhibit Dedicated to Steve Jobs


In what is perhaps the biggest show of remembrance for him since his death, the Computer History Museum has just launched an online exhibit completely dedicated to former Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs. Jobs, as many of you know, passed away back in October, a great loss for Apple and the world.

The exhibit, known as "Steve Jobs: From Garage to World's Most Valuable Computer Company", features a plethora of photos and descriptions of objects from the museum's permanent collection. In addition to that, visitors will find vintage footage of Jobs from his younger years and Apple's humble beginnings.

One thing of particular interest in the exhibit is a 22 minute video of Jobs from 1980. In the video Jobs talks about the early days of Apple and, at one point, after citing some examples of how Apple computers were being used in agriculture and schools, Jobs confesses that he and co-founder Steve Wozniak "had absolutely no idea what people were going to do with these things when we started out. As a matter of fact, the two people it was designed for was Woz and myself because we couldn't afford to buy a computer kit on the market."

In a statement from the Computer History Museum's Senior Curator Dag Spicer, "In Jobs' own words, we hear how luck as well as skill played big roles in Apple's founding. We also see how focused, articulate and convincing Jobs could be, even at this early stage."

The story also runs through Jobs' entire life via pictures and allows visitors to see historic documents like one of the newsletters of Jobs and Wozniak's famed Homebrew Computer Club. Visitors are also able to look through confidential memorandum outlining Apple's public offering plans, as well as its original business plan for the Macintosh.

There are quite of few gems in this little collection for you to look around at, especially if reading Steve Jobs' biography didn't fully satisfy you. I highly recommend checking it out if you are a fan of Apple, Jobs himself or simply the story of what two ambitious minds can accomplish.

Source: PC World - Computer History Museum Launches Online Steve Jobs Exhibit
READ MORE - Computer History Museum Opens New Online Exhibit Dedicated to Steve Jobs

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Film Terbaik Di Indonesia Ciri Jatuhnya Kaum Muda

Siapa sih yang tidak membutuhkan hiburan dalam kehidupannya di dunia? Manusia mana yang bisa bertahan hidup tanpa ada sedikit hiburan yang dapat memberikannya hiburan dan ketenangan sejenak? Tidak, manusia harus mendapatkan apa yang menjadi haknya untuk hidup, yang salah satunya dengan merasakan hiburan nonton TV, hehe,,, Manusia Indonesia akan terkesima jika melihat aksi film terbaik.

Di Indonesia industri film sedang sangat pesat naiknya, terbukti dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan pemproduksi TV untuk dipersiapkan bagi masyarakat. Zodiac dalam hal ini mengatakan bahwa TV merusak pemuda Indonesia.

film terbaik indonesia

Kemunculan banyak film di indonesia sampai pada terdapat film terbaik menjadikan indikator bahwa di Indonesia banyaknya cara TV mempercepat proses dan memberikan ciri nyata akan jatuhnya kaum muda.

Bukan saya menyebutkan semua film itu jelek, hanya ada beberapa film yang benar-benar masuk kategori membangun generasi muda. Dan semoga banyaknya hal ini tidak merubah pendirian kaum muda untuk tetap menjadi tumpuan bangsa, coba ingat ketika sumpah pemuda dahulu bahwa kaum muda lah yang menjadi ciri kebangkitan nasional.
READ MORE - Film Terbaik Di Indonesia Ciri Jatuhnya Kaum Muda