Rabu, 02 November 2011

Digital Camera’s Components


Hello friend, same with last post about "Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle", Now, We'll share about component camera digital. 
Camera Sensor
The camera sensor is a sensor that capture images known as a CCD (Charged Coupled Device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), which consists of millions of pixels more. The shape of this sensor is a chip which is located directly behind the lens. The more pixels captured, the more detailed images are produced.
LCD screen
LCD display (LCD display) is a small screen on digital cameras that are useful to see what kind of shooting that was captured by the CCD sensor. Results are shown on the LCD screen is more accurate than the results predicted in conventional cameras that are often different.

The LCD screen can also be helpful to see the photos in an instant after the picture is taken, it is easy to correct immediately the image to get the best results. 
Storage media
One component which is a very important role of storage media. This media can be either compact flash, memory stick, and so on. In general, the storage medium has a storage capacity of a large number of images in accordance with the memory capacity owned.

Capacity of the images on any media is also determined by the capacity of the resolution of each image produced. The higher resolution CCD, the larger the size of space to store files that are needed in the storage media. 

Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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