Jumat, 04 November 2011

How to Capture Image In Digital Cameras


We was Post Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle and Digital Camera’s Components. For last we will share about "Capture Image In Digital Cameras".
The workings of digital cameras in capturing the image are:
A piece CCD has millions of sensors. Each sensor has a base color of a color (red, green, blue) in position.

One piece that has a million so-called sensor can capture a "megapixel" data. [1 mega = 1 million]

data is then read, one line per one unit of time, using an analog-to-digital (ADC) that converts the color readings (which captured the CCD chip as the difference in voltage level) into digital data. By comparing the reading pixel data from each red, green, and blue, which then by ADC, the color of each pixel is determined and stored as data.

For example, when red, green, and blue are combined at the maximum rate, pixel color will be white. When the brightness level of the minimum three basic colors, then the pixel to black. Millions of colors can be described as the difference in brightness of the three primary colors at each pixel. The data is then color corrected, compressed, and stored in memory. 
Digital Transmision system
The image of a camera that has been in the store if you want to be transmitted into the computer can be via USB using a digital transmission system, the following is an overview of digital transmission systems.
Digital Signal
Digital signal representing a stream of '1 'and '0', which may represent the digital data or may be an encoding of analog data. Signals propagated through repeaters ; at each repeater, the flow of '1 'and '0' is recovered from the signal origin and used to generate a new digital signals are different.

Elements of the transmission system

Line Coding
  • Line coding is a method to change the symbol from the source into another form to be transmitted
  • Line coding transforms digital messages into a row of new symbols (this is the process of encoding)
  • Decoding works just the opposite is to change back row that has been encoded (encoded sequence) into the original message
  •  System that uses line coding but does not involve modulation called baseband transmission system.
  • Spectrum coding results remain in the frequency range of the original message
Objectives Line Coding
  • manipulate the spectrum of the digital signal to match the transmission medium to be used
  • Can be used for process synchronization between the sender and the receiver (the system does not require a separate line for clock)
  • Can be used to eliminate the DC component of the signal (signal with the frequency 0)
  • DC component does not contain any information but dissipating emittance
  • Line coding can be used to increase the data rate
  • Some line coding techniques can be used for error detection. 
 How to Capture Image In Digital Cameras
Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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