Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Italian Government Slaps Apple with $1.2 Million Fine

AppleCareApple has been hit with quite a hefty fine from a somewhat surprising place today, Italy. That's right, on December 27, 2011 the country of Italy fined the tech giant 900,000 euros, or roughly $1.2 million, for allegedly encouraging its customers to sign up for AppleCare, the official tech support of the company, without informing them that they would receive two years of free support after purchasing the service.

Reuters reported that Italy requires every company that does business in the country to offer two full years of absolutely free technical support to any and all Italian customers. AppleCare is an important after-purchase revenue generator for the company. Apple offers this protection service on every single one of its products, from iPads and iPhones to MacBooks and Apple All-in-Ones, though prices vary depending on which device you get the service for. Naturally getting tech support on your iPhone should cost a little less than getting it on your MacBook Air.

Towards the beginning of this year, Apple updated its iPhone plan. The all new AppleCare+ gives customers extended warranties and technical support for as long as two years. In addition to this, the new AppleCare+ also includes repairs on two incidents of accidental damage as opposed to the previous single repair offered. The service itself will cost iPhone users $99.

In addition to AppleCare+ for the iPhone, another AppleCare package for the iMac will run customers $169 with the MacBook Pro option costing $349. The cheapest service is for the iPod Touch, costing only $59.

Apple has yet to release any official statement on the fine by the Italian Government and there is no way of knowing if it will ask employees in Italian Apple stores to make it clear to customers that their products are covered for two years. However, this fine will barely scrape the top of Apple's revenue pile as the company has tens of billions of dollars just lining the walls of their headquarter's bathrooms for decoration.

Source: CNET - Italy fines Apple $1.2 million over AppleCare practices
READ MORE - Italian Government Slaps Apple with $1.2 Million Fine

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

New Features for Google Chrome v16

Google Chrome v16Google Chrome was just updated and the newest version brings an option to print any webpage using Cloud Print and multiple profile support for users who are on one computer to maintain separate settings. These new additions will become available with version 16 for Windows, Mac and Linux users when it is released.

Launching back in January, Google Cloud Print allows you to print to your home or office printer from almost any web-enabled device, though it was restricted to webpages with special Cloud Print buttons and specific Google apps like Docs or desktop apps like Cloud Print for Mac. With the new update any user can use Google Chrome to print to a Cloud Print-ready printer or computer acting as a Cloud Storage Print server.

Using Cloud Print is also very easy. All you have to do is select Print from Chrome's menu options under the wrench icon. This will take you to a print preview page where you can select "Print with Google Cloud Print" from the "Destination" dropdown menu on the left. Then select "Print" at the top of the print dialogue when you're good to go.

Another addition to the update is multiple profiles. Multiple profiles started appearing in Chrome's beta channel back in November as a way for multiple users to keep their bookmarks, Web apps and other settings separate. This can be particularly useful if you have more than one user trying to use the household computer but you can't be bothered to switch user profiles using the operating system of your computer.

In order to get started with Chrome's multiple profiles, click on Chrome's wrench icon and select "Preferences" to open the browser's settings page in a new tab. After that, click "Personal Stuff" on the left side of the screen. If that is too much work, you can always just type in "chrome://settings/personal" in an empty browser tab.

Once you do this, select "Users" and then "Add New User." A new browser tab will appear with a blank profile on it that has some generic name and one of Chrome's avatars. The active user's avatar will appear in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser for Mac users and the upper left corner for Windows users. In addition to that, you can edit each profile's username and avatar at "chrome://settings/personal".

Each user also has the ability to sign in separately to their Google account to sync Chrome settings stored online. This is useful if you want access to your Chrome settings on a PC that isn't yours. Just make sure you erase your profile on any computer that isn't yours because Chrome profiles are not secure and they don't have any password protection options so anyone using the same PC as you will have access to your browser settings.

Source: PC World - Google Chrome Adds Cloud Print Option, Multiple Profile Support
READ MORE - New Features for Google Chrome v16

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Nokia Terbaru Lumia 800 dan 710 Awal 2012

Menghadapi tahun baru maka setiap produsen segera memikirkan hal terbarunya yang akan diberikan untuk konsumennya, dan hal ini telah dipikirkan oleh pemilik mrek nokia yang akan segera meluncurkan nokia terbaru dengan nama Lumia 800 dan 710 pada awal 2012 nanti.

Istimewanya, handphone jenis ini hanya akan diproduksi dengan batas tertentu, entah berapa jumlah produksinya namun yang pasti handphone ini terbatas.

nokia lumia 800 dan 710

Bekerja sama dengan microsoft, handphone ini memasukan operasi sistem windows, windows phone tepatnya.

Sayangnya nokia terbaru ini baru akan disediakan di Brasil, Kolombia, Chili dan Meksiko. Lalu kapan di Indonesia? Di Indonesia ada Handphone TV.
READ MORE - Nokia Terbaru Lumia 800 dan 710 Awal 2012

Boost Mobile Luncurkan 'Re-Boost' Aplikasi Facebook

Boost Mobile baru-baru ini berhasil meluncurkan satu aplikasi terbarunya dengan perantara Facebook yang dinamakan Re-Boost.

Mengapa aplikasi facebook ini diluncurkan? Satu hal yang mendorong terpikirnya metode ini adalah karena pengguna dari Boost Mobile sendiri yang semakin berkurang berhubung dengan semakin maraknya orang lebih memilih jejaring sosial. Sehingga aplikasi yang satu ini diabaikan. Dengan bantuan dari hal ini maka anda dapat mendapatkan pundi-pundi uang tanpa mengabaikan status pertemanan, anda dapat mencari uang hanya dengan mengajak orang untuk mengikuti jejak anda dengan aplikasi Re-Boost.

Boost Mobile

Aplikasi yang diluncurkan oleh operator seluler AS yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk menambahkan dana langsung ke rekening nirkabel mereka melalui Facebook

Hal ini disampaikan oleh Kepala Kinerja Pelayanan Pelanggan dan Pengalaman Pembelian Non-Kontrak antara Penyedia Wireless oleh JD Power dan Associates1, memberikan pelanggan sebuah hadiah liburan awal tahun ini, kemampuan untuk menambahkan uang ke rekening mereka Boost Mobile menggunakan App Re-Boost secara langsung melalui halaman Facebook mereka.

Peluncuran hari ini, "Boost Mobile Re-Boost Aplikasi" akan memungkinkan pelanggan Facebook untuk:
  • Menambahkan uang ke rekening Boost Mobile mereka melalui Facebook.
  • Permintaan hadiah Re-Boost dengan mengirim email disesuaikan dengan seorang teman, yang meminta seorang teman pribadi untuk bantuan.
  • Mengirim hadiah Re-Boost ke pelanggan Handphone sesama Facebook, karena lebih baik memberi dari pada menerima.
  • Review 10 transaksi terakhir (Facebook Re-Meningkatkan permintaan dan hadiah).
Para Boost Mobile Re-Boost Aplikasi Facebook dapat didownload ke account pelanggan Facebook dengan memasukkan "Boost" di bar pencarian dan memilih "Re-Boost" aplikasi dari hasil pencarian.
READ MORE - Boost Mobile Luncurkan 'Re-Boost' Aplikasi Facebook

Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Updated

Microsoft Exchange server 2010Microsoft has just updated its Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and posted a service pack with a plethora of new features and bug fixes according to a statement released by the company on Monday. The new features to Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 2 were designed based on feedback from customers, Microsoft said, and they reflect the expanding use of enterprise email, scheduling and associated functions across a wide range of devices and deployment scenarios.

One of the new features, known as Outlook Web Application (OWA) Mini, offers the user the ability to browse mailboxes and global address lists from low bandwidth and low resolution devices. This type of mini-internet browser can, in addition, be used as an alternative to synchronizing all Exchange data with the actual phone or mobile device, which can sometimes be prohibitive.

Another new feature allows administrators to segment enterprise global address lists (GAL) into smaller segments. By doing this, it allows administrators to create virtual groups. Previous versions of Microsoft Exchange also had this ability but this is the first time Exchange 2010 offers it in a way that doesn't require manual intervention from administrators.

In addition to these new features, the update includes the Hybrid Configuration Wizard designed for organizations wishing to deploy some mail accounts on Microsoft Office 365 and keep others on their internal systems. The wizard simplifies the process of archiving data and sharing things like calendar entries and secure mail across both the hosted and internal mail accounts.

The update also permits cross-site silent redirection for OWA, which could provide the basis for single sign-on across the entire enterprise platform. With a feature like this, an Outlook Web Application client request could be automatically transferred from one Active Directory implementation to another. In addition to that, the service pack includes multiple bug fixes and collects other features introduced in Service Pack 1 which was released back in August 2010.

Source: Server Computer World - Microsoft updates Exchange 2010
READ MORE - Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Updated

Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Computer History Museum Opens New Online Exhibit Dedicated to Steve Jobs


In what is perhaps the biggest show of remembrance for him since his death, the Computer History Museum has just launched an online exhibit completely dedicated to former Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs. Jobs, as many of you know, passed away back in October, a great loss for Apple and the world.

The exhibit, known as "Steve Jobs: From Garage to World's Most Valuable Computer Company", features a plethora of photos and descriptions of objects from the museum's permanent collection. In addition to that, visitors will find vintage footage of Jobs from his younger years and Apple's humble beginnings.

One thing of particular interest in the exhibit is a 22 minute video of Jobs from 1980. In the video Jobs talks about the early days of Apple and, at one point, after citing some examples of how Apple computers were being used in agriculture and schools, Jobs confesses that he and co-founder Steve Wozniak "had absolutely no idea what people were going to do with these things when we started out. As a matter of fact, the two people it was designed for was Woz and myself because we couldn't afford to buy a computer kit on the market."

In a statement from the Computer History Museum's Senior Curator Dag Spicer, "In Jobs' own words, we hear how luck as well as skill played big roles in Apple's founding. We also see how focused, articulate and convincing Jobs could be, even at this early stage."

The story also runs through Jobs' entire life via pictures and allows visitors to see historic documents like one of the newsletters of Jobs and Wozniak's famed Homebrew Computer Club. Visitors are also able to look through confidential memorandum outlining Apple's public offering plans, as well as its original business plan for the Macintosh.

There are quite of few gems in this little collection for you to look around at, especially if reading Steve Jobs' biography didn't fully satisfy you. I highly recommend checking it out if you are a fan of Apple, Jobs himself or simply the story of what two ambitious minds can accomplish.

Source: PC World - Computer History Museum Launches Online Steve Jobs Exhibit
READ MORE - Computer History Museum Opens New Online Exhibit Dedicated to Steve Jobs

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Film Terbaik Di Indonesia Ciri Jatuhnya Kaum Muda

Siapa sih yang tidak membutuhkan hiburan dalam kehidupannya di dunia? Manusia mana yang bisa bertahan hidup tanpa ada sedikit hiburan yang dapat memberikannya hiburan dan ketenangan sejenak? Tidak, manusia harus mendapatkan apa yang menjadi haknya untuk hidup, yang salah satunya dengan merasakan hiburan nonton TV, hehe,,, Manusia Indonesia akan terkesima jika melihat aksi film terbaik.

Di Indonesia industri film sedang sangat pesat naiknya, terbukti dengan semakin banyaknya perusahaan pemproduksi TV untuk dipersiapkan bagi masyarakat. Zodiac dalam hal ini mengatakan bahwa TV merusak pemuda Indonesia.

film terbaik indonesia

Kemunculan banyak film di indonesia sampai pada terdapat film terbaik menjadikan indikator bahwa di Indonesia banyaknya cara TV mempercepat proses dan memberikan ciri nyata akan jatuhnya kaum muda.

Bukan saya menyebutkan semua film itu jelek, hanya ada beberapa film yang benar-benar masuk kategori membangun generasi muda. Dan semoga banyaknya hal ini tidak merubah pendirian kaum muda untuk tetap menjadi tumpuan bangsa, coba ingat ketika sumpah pemuda dahulu bahwa kaum muda lah yang menjadi ciri kebangkitan nasional.
READ MORE - Film Terbaik Di Indonesia Ciri Jatuhnya Kaum Muda

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Love Quotes and Romantic Quotations

Love Quotes and Romantic quotations
The subject of love has inspired poets, writers, those lucky in love as well as who have been passed over by Cupid, to comment on in memorable quotations. Wise quotes, funny quotes, bitter quotes, profound quotes, silly quotes: it seems as if everyone has something to say on the the subject -- and I've gathered their best love quotes today for you. Quotations are organized by theme:

One of the most thoughtful and most inexpensive gifts one lover can give to another is a letter that expresses how one feels about the other. Imagine finding such a missive on your pillow one night. Not only would it affirm your love for the moment; it would be a treasure to preserve for a lifetime. (And it can also do wonders to soothe a hurt after a fight or misunderstanding.)

romantic quotations

Should you be inspired by a quote to write a love letter but need help getting started, I recommend the following resources:

How to Write a Love Letter - a step-by-step guide to putting your thoughts on paper.

Romance/Love Letters - a list of Net links to romantic sites...even ones that will generate a letter if you simply fill in the blanks.

Below are some of my favorite quotations I've found on the subject of love.

"Love has the power of making you believe what you would normally treat with the deepest suspicion." - Mirabeau

"When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out." - Elizabeth Bowen

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." - Phyllis Diller

"I detest 'love lyrics.' I think one of the causes of bad mental health in the United States is that people have been raised on 'love lyrics." - Frank Zappa

"I should like to see any kind of a man, distinguishable from a gorilla, that some good and even pretty woman could not shape a husband out of." - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

"A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That's basic spelling that every woman ought to know." - Mistinguett

"You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap." - Dolly Parton

"I feel like Zsa Zsa Gabor's eighth husband on her wedding night: I know what I'm supposed to do... I just have to figure out a way to make it interesting." - many attributions

"The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed." - Chamfort

"Thou art to me a delicious torment." - Ralph

Ok, After you read this Romantic Quotations you can read Daily Zodiac to knowing her nature.
READ MORE - Love Quotes and Romantic Quotations

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Western Digital's Deal to Acquire Hitachi's HDD Business Approved

Western DigitalWestern Digital has just secured conditional approval from the European Union's competition regulator to purchase Hitachi's hard disk drive business for a grand total of $4.3 billion. This was only made possible, however, after Western Digital agreed to sell several of its production operations.

Western Digital, which just so happens to be the world's second largest competitor in the hard disk drive (HDD) sector, and Hitachi, which just so happens to be the third largest, unveiled the deal back in March. The deal itself is aimed at giving the United States company a competitive edge in developing next-generation information storage technology.

This decision by the European Commission confirmed a story published last week by Reuters. According to European Union Commissioner Joaquin Almunia in a recent statement, "The proposed divestiture will ensure that competition in the industry is fully restored before the merger is implemented."

Western Digital PDA did promise to sell essential production assets for the manufacturer of 3.5" disc drives, including a production plant, according to the Commission, which cited reduced competition in the sector after Seagate Technology bought Samsung Electronics' hard disk drive business recently. In addition to that the company agreed to transfer or license intellectual property rights to the business to be sold off. What's more is that Western Digital will also transfer staff and the supply of HDD components to the unit.

Western Digital is unable to complete the deal until it finds an appropriate buyer for the unit, which will then need to be approved by the regulator, according to the commission. If Western Digital is unable to find a suitable buyer, it stands to reason that this deal, although approved, will never actually come to fruition, which could be disappointing for both companies.

Source: Reuters - Western Digital cleared to buy Hitachi disk drive business
READ MORE - Western Digital's Deal to Acquire Hitachi's HDD Business Approved

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Facts About the Human Body - Facts and Truths

The human body is one of the most amazing constructions on the planet. Brilliantly efficient, complicated and mysterious, and capable of so much. If it wasn't for the human body you wouldn't be reading this and the rest of the wonders of the universe are only perceptible to us because of the wonders of our own anatomy. Thus it is no surprise that there are so many staggering facts and truths once you begin to look closer. Here we'll examine just a few of the world's most amazing facts about the human body.

Each square inch of your skin is covered in 32 million bacteria
It sounds like it's not only one of the world's most amazing facts about the human body, but also one of the most alarming and disgusting. The reality however is that these 32 million bacteria are not only mostly harmless, but also sometimes important for our survival.

Humans versus mice
Humans are genetically 95% + identical to mice – which is why we often use them to experiment on. However this is only because such a large proportion of our DNA is black – known as 'junk DNA' – meaning that we're technically very similar to all animals really. One of the world's most amazing facts about the human body in itself.

Your chemicals have been on an incredible journey
The Himalayas are mountains constructed of mostly sedimentary rock. This means that they are largely constructed of living tissue – the skeletons and shells of marine animals and coral. The Himalayas then are essentially made up of old dead animals, and fascinatingly the same is also true of humans with the elements that make us up having been recycled from animals, rocks and even dinosaurs.

You come from space
The point above is no doubt one of the world's most amazing facts about the human body, but it also leads to another even more fascinating point. You might be wondering where all of those elements came from in the first place – well the answer is space and the carbon compounds we know as amino acids, the protein that makes us up – has actually been found in meteorites suggesting that this was the transport method that first brought life to our planet.

And dying stars...
Not impressive enough? Well how about the fact that the only way carbon can be made is through nuclear fusion requiring temperatures that we could never replicate here on Earth. Even the sun isn't hot enough. The only way that the element carbon can be made then is by a dying sun called a red giant. In other words the carbon that makes up our body was forged in the heart of just such a dying sun then travelled to Earth on a meteorite. If that's not one of the world's most amazing facts about the human body then nothing is.

A modular brain?
Debates have raged about whether the human brain is 'holistic' or 'modular'. That means whether it all works as a whole, or whether it's in fact several smaller areas functioning independently and communicating. Conditions exist however that suggest the latter to extremes – a simple bump on the head for instance has in the past caused no symptoms other than the complete inability to recall the names of vegetables.

The storage capacity of the brain
You might not think of the human brain in terms of computer storage. However some researchers have nevertheless attempted to do just that with results generally ranging from 1-10 terrabytes. This is presuming however that each neuron holds one 'bit' of information (meaning a value of one or zero essentially). Other estimates suggest much higher numbers. Either way it's not bad (it's also important to remember that the brain has a much better and completely different method of 'compressing' and storing information which means that the value is very different in practice).

A changeable brain...
Lastly you might think of the brain as a fairly concrete and permanent object, but our last of the world's most amazing facts about the human body suggests something entirely different – which is that the brain is malleable and can change shape depending on how you use it much like a muscle in what is known as 'brain plasticity'. Meanwhile 'neurogenesis' in adults has also been shown to be possible.

So, what do you believed? Facts About the Human Body - Facts and Truths
READ MORE - Facts About the Human Body - Facts and Truths

Amazing Animals Very Fall and Unique - Legendary Animal

Really all animals are very amazing and each one is very unique and different in their own way. Animals that might seem fairly mundane that we encounter often we might not think of as the world's most amazing animals and yet they might surprise you with your capabilities. For example a cat can hear ultrasonic noises that mice make and that are two high pitches for humans or even dogs, while a Squirrel can fall from 100 feet and survive!

Amazing though they are, these are still not the world's most amazing animals, and the abilities of some creatures are simply astonishing. Here we will look at some of the world's most amazing animals and what they can do that sets them apart.

Dirrocoelium Dendeiticum: Starting off with this type of parasitic flatworm, this is one of the world's most amazing animals and so unusual that it almost seems like science fiction. What makes it so amazingly unique is it's ability to control the mind of ants. Yes, at one stage in its life cycle this flat worm will be eaten by an ant, at which point it will travel up to its brain and latch onto the motor cortex giving it complete control of all the ant's movements. During this phase, the flat worm will then use this ability to steer the ant onto the tip of a blade of grass to be eaten by a cow so that it can breed inside the cow's stomach. At once fascinating and disconcerting, and certainly one of the world's most amazing animals.

Gigantic Octopus: The gigantic octopus is so much one of the world's most amazing animals that it has actually become the thing of legend. The gigantic octopus has never been found in its entirety, but single tentacles have. Bigger than the already impressive colossal squid and other large sea creatures, it is believed that this is the 'Kraken' of legend and capable of sinking large boats.

Whales: Whales are impressive and some of the world's most amazing animals due to their size first and foremost because of their huge size, as the biggest animals on Earth. But perhaps even more amazing is the fact that they can communicate through a layer of the sea that allows their whale song to travel over great distances - over hundreds of miles. Almost like telephone, or more like internet, for whales.

Tardigrade: The tardigrade, sometimes referred to affectionately by scientists as the 'water bear', is a microscopic creature that apparently walks with the gait of a bear - which isn't what makes it one of the world's most amazing animals. That honour goes to the fact that this creature can live in incredibly hostile and uninhabitable conditions - including in deep space - and abandoned for ten days in space they were found to be able to survive with no oxygen, no light and no nutrients of any kind. On Earth they are also one of the world's most amazing animals in terms of hardiness and can survive without food for three decades!

Sarcosuchus: Sarcosuchus is no longer one of the world's most amazing animals as it is now sadly extinct. However most people who learn about this animal are still startled and have no idea of its existence. This is a type of crocodile that lived during the reign of the Dinosaurs that was so huge it could go toe-to-toe with a Tyrannosaurus Rex and would regularly eat them. Imagine that - a crocodile the size of a bus!

Turritopsis Nutricula Jellyfish: Finally, this type of jellyfish is one of the world's most amazing animals for having discovered the holy grail - this creature is genuinely immortal. By returning to its child-form, the 'pollyp', it is able to rejuvenate all of its individual cells. Of course it can still die from illness or by being killed by predators - but naturally it will never die of old age. Pretty amazing… Amazing Animals Very Fall and Unique - Legendary Animal
READ MORE - Amazing Animals Very Fall and Unique - Legendary Animal

The Best Sources Protein - Food High Protein

Protein is a highly important part of our diet. In fact it is literally the building block that makes up our body. Both protein and our muscles/tendons/flesh etc are made from amino acids, and that means that when we eat meat we are almost literally recycling it to use on our own bodies. When it comes to protein you really literally are what you eat. Eating good quality protein then will help your body to heal wounds, build muscle and create other tissue. However not all protein is made equal, and if you want to get the very best protein then you need to carefully select your sources. Here we will look at some of the best sources of protein in the world, whether you are looking for them for building muscle, or just to stay in shape. The different protein sources here have different benefits, and some of the sources have other unrelated health benefits too, so here we'll give a brief description of each source and why its so good along with its listing.

Red meat: Red meat means lamb or beef and typically it's not considered one of the best sources of protein in the world. The reason for this is that it's not lean and that means that you take a lot of fat in with the amino acids when you eat this meat. This also means that red meat can increase cholesterol so a bodybuilder wouldn't be advised to eat huge amounts of lamb to repair the muscles and help them grow. However this doesn't mean that red meat is not without merit and it has many other advantages as a protein source. For one, fat isn't entirely a bad thing and in fact aids your body in processing protein – so you don't want entirely lean protein sources or you won't be able to get the most benefit from them. At the same time red meat also triggers the production of natural testosterone and that means that puts the body in an anabolic state where it will build muscle, heal wounds and burn fat. This is why some bodybuilders take testosterone supplements. Red meat is not one of the best sources of protein in the world in terms of lean protein alone, but it has its place certainly.

Egg: Egg on the other hand is one of the best sources of protein in the world in terms of lean protein, and is quite likely in fact the best source full stop. Egg white has very little fat in it so many people will leave the yolk out when then eat egg for its protein. However this is actually a mistake as only when the white and the yolk are combined do they contain all 27 amino acids (the exact number of amino acids depends on the report you read, but the most recent data suggests there are 27) and egg is the only source of protein that does. It is highly important that the body gets all 27 amino acids every day to be able to perform all of the maintenance tasks it needs to because each amino acid is used for a different job. Normally then you need to eat multiple sources of protein in each helping. As such egg is certainly one of the best protein sources in the world and the only source that is sufficient to meet the body's requirements on its own. Some bodybuilders will eat egg raw but this can actually lead to a biotin deficiency which results in loss of muscle mass.

Chicken: Chicken is superior to red meat in terms of the lean protein and has comparatively very little fat. Meanwhile it is also highly 'bio available' which means that the body can use more of the protein found in chicken than it can in red meat. However chicken lacks some of the other benefits of red meat. For eating in high quantities and for sportsmen and women chicken is one of the most popular and best sources of protein in the world.

Tuna: Tuna fish, like chicken, is one of the best sources of protein in the world in terms of how lean and bio-available it is. At the same time though it also has several other benefits. It is high in the essential fatty acid 'Omega 3' which makes it great for the joints and again aids with the body's protein absorption. Meanwhile this also boosts IQ and helps to keep the joints supple.

Whey: Whey is the protein source that is found in most 'protein shakes'. It is a by-product of the cheese making process so comes from milk. It is highly bio-available and also very convenient in powder form allowing for it to be easily carried around and eaten in very large quantities. Most manufacturers will also include many other complimentary ingredients such as creatine to ensure that they are the best sources of protein in the world. The Best Sources Protein - Food High Protein
READ MORE - The Best Sources Protein - Food High Protein

Senin, 21 November 2011

Make Money With Google Adsense is Easy

In lots of webmaster forums, you’re prone to come throughout this query: “How can I make cash with Google Adsense?Google Adsense is arguably the most well-liked pay-per-click on advertising program today. Many webmasters are incomes appreciable money by displaying Google Adsense on their sites.

Yes, it is extremely possible to earn a living with Google Adsense. There are a number of efficient and confirmed methods you can do this. The most effective half is that they aren’t sophisticated methods, they are in truth very simple and straightforward to implement. After all, precisely how much you make from Google Adsense largely depends on how much effort you put into your sites. Don’t fall into believing that you could make money from Google Adsense overnight. Like different types of work, it’s essential to spend time in addition to have the dedication and perseverance.

With all that said, you will learn three effective methods you may generate money with Google Adsense by way of niche sites, boards and blogs.

Niche Sites: Targeted Market Equals Focused and Higher Adsense Clicks
The word “niche” is immediately’s buzz word. A niche is a particular market you wish to focus on. If you are within the antique business, exactly what sort of antique do you deal with? Are you in the vintage furniture enterprise? antique dolls? vintage automobiles? That is your niche.

Area of interest websites are sites which can be targeted on very particular markets or audience. Instead of a broad category, you slim down right into a target market or audience. As an example, a guitar web site can be additional made specific and give attention to Fender Stratocaster guitars. People who find themselves into Fender Stratocaster guitars are your goal audience. Google Adsense advertisements that appear on this particular niche web site appeal to your target audience and visitors. By being particular, you possibly can generate larger clicks to your Google Adsense, which translate to greater Google Adsense earnings.

If you wish to maximize your Google Adsense earnings, put up several niche web sites as an alternative of one web site devoted to a broad class or topic. As a substitute of placing up an internet site about automobiles, put up several small websites targeted on automobile repairs, care restoration, antique automobiles and such. By narrowing down your web site’s focus, you possibly can attract targeted guests who are more likely to click in your Google Adsense ads.

Boards: Inserting Google Adsense Advertisements that Stand Out
Do you run an extremely energetic discussion board or online discussion board? In case your discussion board receives quite a lot of traffic and has many members who repeatedly participate in online discussions, you can monetize your discussion board pages by inserting Google Adsense in them. Whereas forum users are known to be “advert blind”, you possibly can insert Google Adsense codes smartly.

As an example, you can also make your Google Adsense adverts stand out through the use of very brilliant colors. On area of interest sites, it is suggested that your Google Adsense advertisements mix in with the site. In on-line boards, nevertheless, you may make cash with Google Adsense by making the ads stand out. You can also make Google Adsense seem after a sure variety of posts. Many discussion board house owners have found that Google Adsense ads positioned on the bottom of the last put up on every page generates quite a lot of clicks.

Blogs: Easy to Monetize with Google Adsense
Right this moment, many are capable of set up a web based presence and have their voices heard. They do that by creating and sustaining their very own blogs. Within the final years alone, actually hundreds of thousands of blogs have cropped up. Blog software like WordPress and weblog networks like Blogger make it simple for anyone, even the least techie, to set up his or her own weblog and earn a living from it. There are bloggers who are reportedly making four-, 5- and six-figure yearly revenue just by placing Google Adsense on their blogs.

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There you’ve it three ways you possibly can generate cash from Google Adsense. Niche websites, boards and blogs are solely three of the numerous ways you can also make cash from Google Adsense. If you’re new on-line, begin with a blog. Create an account on Blogger.com and check out the waters. As you grow to be comfortable and acquire extra technical abilities, you’ll be able to advance to creating niche sites and starting your own online forums and monetizing with Google Adsense. In Key: Make Money With Google Adsense is Easy
READ MORE - Make Money With Google Adsense is Easy

Sabtu, 12 November 2011

HDD Shortages to Spill Over into Q1 2012

HDDConsidering operations are disrupted at over a dozen hard disk drive (HDD) factories thanks to flooding in Thailand, PC manufacturers should begin preparing for significant supply shortages according to market research firm IDC. Worldwide HDD shipments could suffer almost a 20% decline starting in the middle of this month that could extend far into the first quarter of 2012 according to the firm.

Thailand accounts for somewhere between 40% and 45% of HDD production in the entire world. As of early November, almost half of Thailand's production was directly affected by flooding. Even though production at some factories was halted as a result of flooding, the industry also faces work stoppages due to poor access and power outages. The full extent of the damage to the industry will not be known until all the floodwaters recede, even though it is already clear that there will be supply shortages into the first quarter of 2012 according to IDC.

Research Vice President at IDC John Rydning stated earlier in the month that hard drive manufacturers will favor their high-margin products used in enterprise servers and storage systems. "But the HDD vendors can't neglect their smaller customers, whose business will continue to be important once capacity is fully restored." Prices for HDDs have already started to increase rapidly in some cases, some by more than 30%.

IDC noted that the industry should be able to restore drive production quickly once the waters recede, though today's shortages will continue to constrain supply for an extended period. Hard drive prices should stabilize by next June, according to IDC, and the industry should be back to normal by the second half of 2012. IDC also says that the decline in total shipments for the fourth quarter is expected to be "less than 10%" due to the fact that a large chunk of PC shipments have already taken place for this quarter.

Worst-case scenarios put the total loss for the first quarter of 2012 at around 20% though IDC said that there are opportunities for larger PC vendors to capture enterprise accounts from smaller competitors and accelerate industry consolidation, more specifically in faster growth markets.

According to Program Vice President for IDC's Worldwide Consumer Device Trackers Loren Loverade, "The HDD shortage will affect smaller PC vendors and lower-priced products most, including mini-notebooks, emerging markets and entry-level consumer PCs. However, even the largest vendors are expected to face HDD shortages, particularly for portable PCs where the market is more consolidated. Nevertheless, the shortage will relieve some pressure on pricing and margins and present some opportunities for strategic share gains among the larger players."

Source: Computer Network World - PC makers should 'brace' for drive shortages

READ MORE - HDD Shortages to Spill Over into Q1 2012

Senin, 07 November 2011

Live Streaming Hajj From Masjidil Haram Makkah (Mecca)

Makkah atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Mekah, adalah wilayah suci bagi umat muslim. Disana terdapat Masjidil Haram yang ditengahnya terdapat Kabah yang sebagai titik pusat pemersatu umat muslim dalam ibadahnya.

Pada musim Hajj seperti sekarang ini, wilayah masjidil haram dipenuhi oleh jutaan umat muslim dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Musim hajj sekarang ini kota mekkah dipenuhi oleh sekitar 2,5 juta umat muslim yang melaksanakan hajj. Pastinya anda selaku umat muslim ingin bisa pergi kesana.

Namun, seperti yang telah anda ketahui bahwa antrian jamaah hajj di Indonesia telah menunggu untuk beberapa tahun kedepan yang artinya untuk beberapa tahun kedepan stok tiket (tempat duduk) telah penuh.

Untuk mengobati rasa rindu tak ada salahnya untuk melihat siaran langsung atau Live Streaming dari makkah. Akhirnya ketemu juga satu tempat video yang menyediakan Live Streming Hajj From Masjidil Haram yang mudah''an bisa membuat anda lebih bersemangat untuk datang kesana beribadah kepada Sang Maha Penguasa Allah Swt.

Video atau Live Streaming ini saya dapatkan ketika ingin melihat salah update dari http://googleblog.blogspot.com/.

Silahkan anda lihat Live Streming ini semoga bermanfaat sebagi tambahan pengalaman anda.

Live Streaming Hajj From Masjidil Haram Makkah 

Jika gagal maka and bisa langsung kunjungi 
Live Streaming HAJJ (Kanal HAJJ)
From Youtube, Google and all Participant.

Review by: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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READ MORE - Live Streaming Hajj From Masjidil Haram Makkah (Mecca)

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Berbahaya Mengendarai Sepeda Motor Ketika Hujan Deras

Hujan adalah satu peristiwa alam yang memang tidak mungkin dapat manusia hindari jika telah waktunya, berbagai cara manusia lakukan untuk menciptakan hujan atau menghentikan hujan. Manusia menciptakan hujan atau lebih tepatnya membuat hujan buatan atau menghentikan hujan dengan berbagai cara, ada yang menembakan zat tertentu atau membawa zat tertentu misalkan gas garam ke udara atau ada juga yang menggunakan jasa pawang hujan, walaupun hasilnya belum pasti karena alam tidak bisa dikendalikan oleh manusia. Hujan akan terjadi atau tidak itu karena peristiwa alam.

Lalu apa yang bisa manusia lakukan? Manusia lagi-lagi hanya bisa berantisipasi menghadapi alam ini. Manusia harus berpikir mencari yang terbaik jika terjadi hujan atau jika hujan tak kunjung tiba.

Sekarang ini di Indonesia sedang dilanda musim penghujan, ya curah hujan sedang sangat tinggi dengan frekuensi yang tinggi pula. Hampir setiap hari hujan turun membasahi bumi ini, sehingga manusia harus sellu siap sedia dengan pelindungnya. 

Nah, khusus bagi pengendara kendaraan terutama manusia yang mengendarai sepeda motor maka dia harus lebih menyiapkan diri karena mengendara sepeda motor ketika hujan deras itu sangat berbahaya.

Pengendara sepeda motor wajib membawa jas anti hujan (jas hujan) setiap pergi mengendara. Karena hujan bisa saja turun tiba-tiba. Selain dari siap sedianya jas hujan, pengendara sepeda motor juga harus rutin mengecek keadaan sepeda motornya. 

Apa saja yang harus di cek?
  • Ban, ban sepeda motor harus dicek jangan sampai dalam keadaan hujan ban sudah tidak laik pakai (gundul/botak/aus). Karena kondisi ban yang sudah aus akan beresiko tergelincir.
  • Pelumas / Oli, oli yang dimaksud adalah segala jenis oli, bisa oli rantai, maupun oli mesin. Karena kondisi hujan maka oli atau pelumas di daerah jari-jari akan mudah hilang. 
  • Rem / Kampas Rem, rem adalah pengaman pertama kendraan. sehingga harus dalam keadaan fit setiap saat.
3 hal di atas adalah cek standar dan yang lainnya bisa anda cek sendiri.

Walaupun kondisi kendaraan anda fit, anda juga harus menyiapkan kebugaran fisik anda karena berkendara ketika juga sangat menguras energi.

Satu lagi yang harus anda perhatikan dan sangat saya garis bawahi, karena hal ini baru saja menimpa saya sekitar jam 13.00 hari ini 6 Nopember 2011. Ketika keadaan sepeda motor anda siap jalan dan kondisi fisik anda fit untuk mengendarai, sedangkan cuaca sedang hujan deras, maka anda harus berhati-hati. Tak hanya jalanan yang kurang jelas terlihat tapi juga serangan alam lainnya yang menyertai hujan yakni halilindar (listrik kejutan alam). Tak sedikit manusia yang meninggal terkena listrik alam itu. Sehingga anda hurus behati-hati karena hal ini sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan dan selamatnya nyawa anda.
by: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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Jumat, 04 November 2011

How to Capture Image In Digital Cameras


We was Post Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle and Digital Camera’s Components. For last we will share about "Capture Image In Digital Cameras".
The workings of digital cameras in capturing the image are:
A piece CCD has millions of sensors. Each sensor has a base color of a color (red, green, blue) in position.

One piece that has a million so-called sensor can capture a "megapixel" data. [1 mega = 1 million]

data is then read, one line per one unit of time, using an analog-to-digital (ADC) that converts the color readings (which captured the CCD chip as the difference in voltage level) into digital data. By comparing the reading pixel data from each red, green, and blue, which then by ADC, the color of each pixel is determined and stored as data.

For example, when red, green, and blue are combined at the maximum rate, pixel color will be white. When the brightness level of the minimum three basic colors, then the pixel to black. Millions of colors can be described as the difference in brightness of the three primary colors at each pixel. The data is then color corrected, compressed, and stored in memory. 
Digital Transmision system
The image of a camera that has been in the store if you want to be transmitted into the computer can be via USB using a digital transmission system, the following is an overview of digital transmission systems.
Digital Signal
Digital signal representing a stream of '1 'and '0', which may represent the digital data or may be an encoding of analog data. Signals propagated through repeaters ; at each repeater, the flow of '1 'and '0' is recovered from the signal origin and used to generate a new digital signals are different.

Elements of the transmission system

Line Coding
  • Line coding is a method to change the symbol from the source into another form to be transmitted
  • Line coding transforms digital messages into a row of new symbols (this is the process of encoding)
  • Decoding works just the opposite is to change back row that has been encoded (encoded sequence) into the original message
  •  System that uses line coding but does not involve modulation called baseband transmission system.
  • Spectrum coding results remain in the frequency range of the original message
Objectives Line Coding
  • manipulate the spectrum of the digital signal to match the transmission medium to be used
  • Can be used for process synchronization between the sender and the receiver (the system does not require a separate line for clock)
  • Can be used to eliminate the DC component of the signal (signal with the frequency 0)
  • DC component does not contain any information but dissipating emittance
  • Line coding can be used to increase the data rate
  • Some line coding techniques can be used for error detection. 
 How to Capture Image In Digital Cameras
Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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Rabu, 02 November 2011

Digital Camera’s Components


Hello friend, same with last post about "Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle", Now, We'll share about component camera digital. 
Camera Sensor
The camera sensor is a sensor that capture images known as a CCD (Charged Coupled Device) and CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor), which consists of millions of pixels more. The shape of this sensor is a chip which is located directly behind the lens. The more pixels captured, the more detailed images are produced.
LCD screen
LCD display (LCD display) is a small screen on digital cameras that are useful to see what kind of shooting that was captured by the CCD sensor. Results are shown on the LCD screen is more accurate than the results predicted in conventional cameras that are often different.

The LCD screen can also be helpful to see the photos in an instant after the picture is taken, it is easy to correct immediately the image to get the best results. 
Storage media
One component which is a very important role of storage media. This media can be either compact flash, memory stick, and so on. In general, the storage medium has a storage capacity of a large number of images in accordance with the memory capacity owned.

Capacity of the images on any media is also determined by the capacity of the resolution of each image produced. The higher resolution CCD, the larger the size of space to store files that are needed in the storage media. 

Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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READ MORE - Digital Camera’s Components

Selasa, 01 November 2011

Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle


Hello, It's a material of convertion 2D, when this material study is a task in a lesson development of digital camera imaging system. So, I will share to you!
Definition of Digital Camera
The digital camera is a tool to create images of objects then refracted through the lens to the CCD sensor (there are also using censor CMOS) and the results were recorded in digital format into a digital media store.

Because the results are stored digitally, the recorded results of these images must be processed using a digital processor also a kind of computer or printing machines that can read the digital storage media.

The Ease of digital cameras is the result image known instantly, easy to be transfered, the color, sharpness, brightness and size are easy to be edited that can be done with relatively more easily than a manual camera.
Camera’s Working Principle
We capture the image of a tree using a digital camera. The light of a picture comes from a tree to a camera and into a camera lens. The task of camera lens is put the shadow of an image to the CCD censor.

CCD (Charge Coupled Device) as known as the CCD sensor is a device that captures an image size of a fingernail works or just take a micro sd card for mobile phones. CCD sensors have many points / grids are very sensitive to light. The resulting image will be higher resolution and more subtle if you have a lot of point sensors. The greater the number of sensor points directly proportional to the number of pixels generated. A CCD sensor can have millions in it. Brightness of each color RGB (Red Green Blue) will be stored in a single point sensor. So the task is to capture the CCD analog signal / image and convert it into electrical signals.

The process of image compression formats (eg RAW / JPEG) by the way digital cameras work done on the image processing section that converts electrical signals into digital signals by the converter ADC (Analog / Digital Converters).

After the image is converted into a digital signal, it will be processed by a computer chip processors that each camera. Additional features provided in the form of chip software (firmware) that have different abilities depending on the digital camera manufacturers (example: Casio / Kodak / Canon / Pentax / Olympus) is.

Software on the camera also determines the final image produced. Some features available such as sepia, black & white, backlight, white balance, face recognising, anti shake, super steady shot, vibration reduction, etc...

The last process is the workings of digital cameras to send digital data to be stored on the memory card. SD or CF is one example of a digital camera's memory card.

Ok, I think enough. And I will share about Digital Camera’s Components soon.

Definition of Digital Camera and Working Principle
Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

Makanan Berlemak Kaya Nutrisi dan Menyehatkan

Makanan yang menyehatkan tentu adalah yang paling dicari oleh manusia saat ini, tidak sedikit manusia rela meninggalkan makanan yang rasanya lezat guna menghindari makanan yang berlemak yang cenderung memberikan banyak penyakit. Manusia sepertu itu mungkin berpikiran bahwa hnya makanan yang dari tumbuhan saja yang menyehatkan. Namun apakah nutrisi mereka akan terpenuhi secara seimbang?

Faktanya makanan yang memiliki antioksidan yang kita kenal jenis sayuran itu belum tentu menyehatkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tubuh manusia. Sayuran hanya akan memenuhi sebagian dari nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh manusia setiap harinya sedangkan sebagian lagi pasti harus didapatkan agar seimbang. Nah, sebagian dari sebgian itu adalah makanan yang berlemak atau dari hewani.

Makanan berlemak itu cukup kaya dengan nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh tubuh manusia, lemak memberikan kalori yang besar bagi tubuh sehingga dapat dengan mudah untuk mencapai tingkat kalori minimal yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Namun tidak sedikit manusia takut makanan berlemak dengan alasan tidak menyehatkan. Mungkin mereka yang takut adalah manusia yang belum mengetahui bahwa makanan berlemak itu kaya akan nutrisi dan juga dapat menyehatkan.

Inilah 3 dari berbagai makanan berlemak kaya nutrisi dan menyehatkan:
1. Keju
Keju adalah sumber kalsium sekaligus sumber fosfor yang sangat baik untuk gigi dan pertumbuhan tulang kuat serta bermanfaat untuk memperkuat daya ingat otak anak. Keju juga mengandung Zinc yang baik untuk kulit, kekebalan tubuh dan kesuburan. Keju pun mengandung riboflavin, Vitamin B12, dan Vitamin A yang baik untuk mata dan memberikan tambahan energi. Satu potong keju setelah makan akan menetralisir kadar asam di mulut serta meningkatkan kadar air liur sehingga gigi akan terjaga dan mencegah kerusakan gigi.

Walaupun begitu karena lemaknya tinggi maka jangan terlalua berlebihan dalam mengkonsumsinya.
2. Popcorn
Banyak peneliti percaya bahwa makan popcorn dengan porsi kecil setara dengan memakan satu porsi beras merah. Popcorn juga mengandung banyak serat bahkan lebih banyak dari buah biji matahari. Namun mesti diingat bahwa manusia yang memiliki penyakit diabetes dilarang keras memakan makanan ini.
3. Selai Kacang
Makanan berlemak ini adalah cemilan yang kaya akan protein dan serat yang baik untuk kesehatan usus dan juga amengandung folat yang dapat melindungi anda dari penyakit serius seperti kanker usus dan jantung. Penelitian terbarunya datang dari salah satu universitas terkemuka di dunia yaitu Harvard yakni memakan selai kacang lima kali dalam seminggu dapat mengurangi resiko penyakit jantung.

Itulah 3 dari makanan berlemak yanga kaya akan nutrisi dan juga menyehatkan jika dikonsumsi secukupnya.

by: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Persipura Juara SCTV CUP 2011

Persipura akhirnya dapat menjadi juara pada ajang SCTV Cup 2011 setelah berhasil mengalahkan Pelita Jaya dengan skor 3-3 di stadion  Manahan, Solo. Dengan hasil imbang itu Persipura menduduki peringkat pertama dengan total poin 7, sedangkan Pelita Jaya tertahan di poin 5.

Pertandingan ini dinilai sangat berkelas dan hasil imbang dianggap sebagai hasil terbaik. Kedua kesebelasan bermain saling menyerang dengan menciptakan banyak peluang dan 3 gol untuk masing-masing klub.

Boas Sallosa berhasil menciptakan 3 gol dipertandingan ini, inilah permainan terbaiknya kali ini. Boas menjadi Top Skor dengan 8 gol dari total 12 gol yang dimasukkan oleh Persipura.

Persela Lamongan Dengan Juara 4 mendapatkan hadiah Rp75.000.000
Persisam Samarinda Dengan Juara 3 Mendapatkan hadiah Rp 75.000.000 + Kotak, isinya apa ya???
Sebagai Juara 2 Yaitu Pelita Jaya dengan Hadiah Rp 100.000.000 + Wakat, apa ya???
Sebagai Juara Pertama dipegang Persipura dengan Hadiah Rp 150.000.000 + Tropi SCTV CUP

Ini adalah Turnamen SCTV Cup pertama dan tahun depan SCTV Cup akan memperbanyak tim yang mengikutinya serta berencana mengikut sertakan tim dari luar negeri. Semoga tahun depn dapat berlangsung lebih baik lagi.

READ MORE - Persipura Juara SCTV CUP 2011

Harga Handphone TV Terbaru, Terbaik dan Termurah

Ada satu kebiasaan yang umum terjadi di kalangan manusia dunia saat ini, yakni kebiasaan mereka lebih menyukai handphone, handphone yang digunakan biasanya yang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengakses internet karena keadaannya begitu maka tak sedikit manusia membeli handphone baru yang memiliki fitur terbaik.

Karena kebisaan itu maka sekarang ini jarang dan semakin berkurang penikmat TV, sehingga mungkin itulah alasannya satu perusahaan yang mengeluarkan handphone bermerk Nexian ini mengeluarkan seri terbarunya yaitu Handphone TV Nexian Series. Inilah handphone TV terbaru di akhir oktober ini sekaligus yang terbaik dan termurah karena hanya memiliki harga Rp 200rb.

Tak tanggung-tanggung Nexian kali ini langsung meluncurkan empat handphone TV dengan harga termurah yakni Nexian TAP TV, Nexian Fresh TV, Nexian Chat TV dan Nexian X TV.

Dengan adanya pilihan ini maka konsumen akan dimanjakan dengan gaya-gaya dan kelebihan yang dimiliki masing-masing seri Handphone TV terbaru ini. Satu lagi yang menjadi kelebihan handphone TV ini yakni setiap handphone memiliki antena eksternal yang diyakini dapat memberikan gambar terbaik.

Silahlkan copy konten ini untuk berbagi namun jangan lupa pasang sumbernya (link konten ini). Hargai kami ya. ^_^ 

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READ MORE - Harga Handphone TV Terbaru, Terbaik dan Termurah

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Berhenti Olahraga Picu Penyakit Jantung

Jantung, apakah anda memiliki jantung? Ya, sebagian besar makhluk hidup yang bergerak memiliki jantung. Jantung itu secara global berfungsi sebagai pemompa aliran darah pada makhluk hidup terutama pada manusia. Jika darah tidak didaur ulang atau dikelilingkan mengalir ke seluruh tubuh atau luasan kecilnya pada bagian arteri dan vena maka dapat dikatakan ada masalah pada jantungnya yang dikenal dengan penyakit jantung.

Apa sih penyakit jantung itu? Secara global penyakit jantung adalah adanya sebuah kerusakan sistem atau sebagian sistem yang dapat mengganggu kinerja jantung. Kerusakan itu dapat diakibatkan oleh pola makan yang tidak sehat, olahraga berlebihan, tak pernah olahraga atau bahkan karena ada keturunan.

Jenis-jenis penyakit jantung apa saja sih? wah,,, kalo masalah ini banyak deh, ada Jantung Koroner, Lemah Jantung, Bocor Jantung dan banyak deh istilah lainnya.

Nah, Benarkah berhenti berolahraga dapat picu penyakit jantung?

Secara garis besar orang yang rutin berolahraga akan lebih sehat jantungnya, jantung mereka yang rutin olahraga akan terlatih dan dapat memompa darah dengan kekuatan besar dan volumenya juga membesar, hal ini diakibatkan tubuh atau disini jantung membiasakan diri dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan. Ketika olahraga berat jantung akan bekerja lebih cepat dan volumenya juga lebih besar sedikit dari yang tidak berolahraga.

Jika pada satu saat orang yang rutin melakukan kegiatan olahraga itu berhenti olahraga dengan total dalam kata lain tidak melakukan aktifitas olahraga lagi dalam waktu yang lama dan berhenti secara mendadak maka jantung yang tadinya biasa di latih cepat dengan volume yang agak besar dari normalnya akan kembali normal, volume darah yang dipompa lebih normal sedangkan daya tampung berkurang dan menyebabkan ada bagian yang tidak terisi darah, akibatnya akan menimbulkan rongga udara.

Bahayanya, rongga udara ini lama-kelamaan akan menyebabkan dorongan pada katup penutup jantung, katup yang mengatur masuk keluarnya darah ke jantung menuju paru atau sebaliknya serta jantung bilik kanan menuju jantung bilik kiri akan menjadi longgar, akibatnya kinerja jantung akan terganggu. Dalam kasus ini bisa jadi darah kotor kembali masuk ke jantung serta bercampur dengan darah bersih dan menyebar ke seluruh tubuh.

Penyakit jantung yang pada sebagian besar bermasalah pada katup jantung itu diderita oleh orang-orang yang rajin berolahraga. Jika katup jantung itu berongga, dapat dikategorikan sebagai bocor jantung kecil yang bisa kembali normal jika benar dirawat dan berobat dengan rutin, walaupun membutuhkan wktu yang cukup lama.

Selama masa pengobatan anda dituntut untuk tidak melakuakn kegiatan olahraga berat yang dapat kembali mempercepat kinerja jantung anda. Olahraga yang dapat anda lakukan hanyalah olahraga jantung yang tidk terlalu capek.

Itulah sedikit yang dapat disampaikan, yang bertemakan "Berhenti Olahraga Picu Penyakit Jantung".

Share di atas merupakan pengalaman pribadi sewaktu berobat dengan mendengar penjelasan dari dokter mengenai penyakit jantung diPicu berhenti olahraga.

Created: Muhammad Tsani A. Hakim
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